Austin, Texas

9737 Great Hills Trail


9737 Great Hills Trail is an 85,000 square foot building in the Arboretum section of Austin, Texas. Moore purchased the asset in 2007 for $7.5 million after it had been vacant for four years due to a permitting problem that inhibited multi-tenanting.

Moore contracted to buy 9737 Great Hills Trail and, during its 30 day due diligence period, solved the permitting problem (Moore suggested the City utilize 9737 as a test case under the International Building Code).

Moore made numerous interior improvements to the long-vacant building and moved the glass-line out, thereby increasing rentable area by 20%.

With its spectacular glass domed roof and fully improved central atrium and fountain, 9737 Great Hills Trail quickly achieved 100% occupancy.

Velocis joined Moore as an equity partner in the project in 2013.  The property was 100% leased and sold June, 2015.

Property Summary

9737 Great Hills Trail

Austin, TX

Year built:

Rentable area:
85,000 Square Feet


Average floor plate:
33,000 Square Feet

3.4/1000 Square Feet Parking Ratio